Bts Coin Delisted on Bittrex! What should we do?
Friends! You can see the news that Bitshare (BTS) Coin is delisted by click on Bittrex.
- There are 4 coins delisted by Bittrex and Poloniex, you can see in the link.
- The reply of Bittrex support about BTS Coin you can see by clicking on this photo.
1. Why coins become delisted by exchange?
- Markets with less than 0.5 BTC (or equivalent) of average daily volume over 7 days period and have been on Bittrex for 4 weeks or more.
- Markets that consistency dip below the minimum volume requirement.
- Markets with 0 daily volume.
- Markets with low liquidity. Less than 15 BTC on the Buy side of the order book for Bitcoin markets.
- Coins with no developer support or public developments.
- Coins without working blockchains.
- Coins which do not adhere to their target block times.
- Coins with weak blockchain security. e.g. Low hash rates which can be exploited.
- Coins which violate our policies.
- Coins which have compliance issues.
There are many reasons that the all coins value was low and it is also possible the wallet was not working well. Now the development team of BTS Coin is working well and wallet is working good. Volume is continue 500+. Yet it is delisted. I sent message to BTS support team but they told to ask Bittrex.
2. Is there any option to BTS coin instead of sell?
Bts is a good coin in the list of many exchange. If you will hold the coin for some period, the price of it may high. Otherwise you can sell by book the loss and take exit.
You can see on this link BTS is listed in 2 exchanges. You can transfer it to Poloniex. Transfer the small amount like 20-50 coin first. If it successfully received then transfer complete Bittrex to Poloniex or any other exchange.
Ab aapko kya karna hai wo aapke upar depend hai accourding to my knowladge jo mujhe acha laga wo maine aap sabhi ke sath share kar diyya hai.
Whatever you can do. It is your own descision. I suggested as per my study and knowledge.
Thank you.

Global Rashid
I love to share all the experience i have till now related to market and investing with you all.
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